Grilled Pineapple and Jalapeno Olive Oil

Sweet and Hot

I recently returned from a trip to Hawaii. Most of my family lives there and my trip is always more a family visit than a Hawaii vacation. Although I am truly enchanted with Hawaii, family is the best part. A little league game coached by my nephew and his son was a highlight. You get the picture. There is also the advantage of having a family visit while enjoying Hawaii instead of a visit while enjoying Sycamore, Pennsylvania where my brother and I grew up, so - there’s that. Sycamore, however, has the advantage of being near Steeler Stadium, so - there’s that. Pineapple production in Hawaii currently represents only .13% of commercial production in the world. Costa Rica is the largest producer with Brazil and the Philippines close behind. Pineapples in Hawaii, however, are ubiquitous. Pineapple production is interlaced with Hawaii’s history and culture. The Dole Pineapple plantation is the second most visited location in Hawaii after Pearl Harbor. Pineapples originated somewhere in the Americas. Research suggests Argentina, Paraguay and/or Brazil. Spanish sailors brought them to Hawaii in 1813. Until much later they were enjoyed only as a local treat until refrigeration, canning and shipping made them available worldwide. It’s impossible for a cook not to think about cooking with pineapple after a visit to Hawaii. The intersection of pineapple and McEvoy Ranch Jalapeno Olive Oil occurred to me after returning to Sonoma County. I love sweet and hot flavors together and I was pretty sure grilled pineapple with a big glug of jalapeno olive oil would be a win. A grilled turkey burger with grilled pineapple, grilled red onion and jalapeno olive oil was a tasty treat. Here are some pointers on peeling a pineapple. grilled-pineapple-fullsize grilled-pineapple-1353 grilled-pineapple-1354 grilled-pineapple-1356 Here are some rings that don’t look like they came out of a Dole can! Sliced Pineapple Enjoy! I’m sure this combo would work well on grilled chicken, grilled fish, stuffed inside a taco with some salsa added … These would all pair beautifully with the McEvoy Ranch 2016 Bonfiglio. Now, it’s your turn to get creative!

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